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Showing posts from July, 2013

FPP - intro

Hari jumat yang hujan2 mcm nie kalau makan nasi beriani memang sedap.haha..tapi sebab puasa, hadap jela keje smpai 4.30. 2, 3 hari nie saya terpkir (sebab aku over) nanti nak bersalin kat mane.ha cepu emas tu.sebab company hubby and me memang al kedekut, jadi takde la coverage utk maternity. jadi untuk bersalin dekat hospital paling mahal harus dilupakan. dulu-dulu sebelum pregnant, saya selalyu tertanya2 kenapa dorang nie tak pegi je kerajaan.bukan ke free.alkisahnya, banyak cerita2 scary mary, mak takut ok. tapi tak semua nya buruk. bergantung kepada keadaan dan rezeki masing2. like my mum semua pun bersalin kat kerajaan,elok aje. yelah dolu2 mane orang tau sangat hospital private. walaupun baru 8 minggu, tetapi agak teruja bila mencari info pasal hospital bersalin ni.mcm2 kisah rupanye, they were various. jangan risau (told myself) kisah kita semua berbeza.dan insyallah semua akan selamat. amin. rasa nak bersalin kat Pusrawi, sebab saya penah dengar sini ok.tapi...

Again and again

i just don't know why but gadget really not fated with urs sincerely. my phone has made me into cursing again (erkkk besides traffic jams).its jammed as well!!! sigh. use it for a year plus and it demands alot. first problemos appear with the storage and now with the software (i guess!!) as it does not reacted every time i touch the icon. i need to text my husband to ask about berbuka!!! owh please laaaa..i dun want to buy another handphone. they are damn expensive nowadays that caused a big hole in my account!!! need it to buy me a handbag (i mean baby diapers bag) do u stay longer with ur so called mobile?what brand are u using?

week 7 - buka buku

semalam pegi bukak buku di Metro Prima Kepong.dari review yang saya baca semua KKIA (Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak) tak bagus dari segi perkhidmatan, masa dan lain2. saya pun turut terpengaruh (tidak baik sekali) dan telah membuat sedikit persiapan mental. pertama dengan menelefon. bertanya ala kadar tentang hari sepatutnya datang dan nurse pun bercerita panjang lebar pasal nak bawak dokumen ape sekali. cara cakap dalam telefon - bagus.agak mesra.ade plus point disitu utk book cover.haha so set time dengan F untuk smpai di klinik pada pkul 7 pagi.haaaaaa memang janji melayu sebab lepas sahur tertido. 7.50 sampai diklinik.serahkan dokumen dan tunggu dipanggil. dalam 15 minit nurse panggil untuk buat ujian air kencing, ukur tinggi, berat dan tekanan darah. kemudian ke ruang menunggu B (sebelah) sambil tengok video penjagaan anak yang asik berulang setiap 5 minit. nurse memanggil ke ruang menunggu lain pula untuk memberi ceramah kepentingan susu ibu.saya rasa sang...

pants on

masih lagi di week 6 pregnancy. esok akan pergi bukak buku, insyaallah.semoga dipermudahkan semua nya.hopefully dapat balik awal dan dapat rehat2. i dun have enough rest. perkembangan pembelian setakat ini: 1) stretch mark Oil 2) sandal 3) handbag - jangan tanya mengapa.kalau ibu mengandung layan kan saja. i really felt my jeans is lower abdomen kadang2 mengembang tiba2. kalau nak duduk kene unzip.kalau berdiri kena longgarkan lepas zip.terpkir jugak kalau terlupa zip and suar jatuh cmne T_T off i went to Maternity shop, even  S size doesnt fit me. dah tarik2 adjustable string pun mcm tak kene.huarggggggggghhhh.i have mid life crisis now. what to wear?? nak pakai dress/skirt setiap masa mcm over plak kan.perut tak besar mana.haha.owh God.  please help me.

Week 6

being in a 6 weeks gestation so far is fine. no morning sickness.just light head ache. the prominent is i can't walk faster and i am easily weary.when i walked faster and tired it will cause stomach cramp and discomfort.ya ampunnnnn..kene jalan pelahan.and i can't bend down easily, not becos i couldn't, more worry i will hurt my womb. i went to bed quite early. pukul 9 dah tersengguk2 nak mum n MIL advice to cover my foot/leg and make sure to support them with avoid cramp leg and swollen.tapi kalau dah malam2 tak igt ape dah haha. makan.still ok on food.but have to avoid spicy food, or else nanti asik pegi toilet. baby bump??not yet. but i felt abit stuffed when my sarung/pants a lil bit tight. im afraid to wear jeans too.becos sometime i felt bloated and perut akan mengeras secara tiba-tiba. thinking to buy maternity pants, but i am still in unsafe zone, added some pressure to buy or not hehe. fret not, i already bought my anti-stretch ...

pee on a stick

its a God biggest gift ever. how i find out? the period was late by a week. Realize the missing period after 3 days, assuming it was caused by the newly supplement i popped. took antibiotic too as i had fever and sore throat during haze period. because my sixth sense sending strong signal, i stopped taking both pills immediately.  and wait till a week appear.i told myself to wait for another week. which in total is 2 weeks.being impatient, on 8th day i bought the test kit right after working hours and got myself tested. tadaaaaaaa...after 2 minutes the double lines appeared!!!but it was very light which was very bumble. i called Aby (F wasn't at home and otw back so there's no use asking inexperienced haha). after sending the stick's picture to Aby, she said i am pregnant.still confused with the light line. afraid it was my mind mimicking me.hahaha. i jumped over when my darling F arrived. he was clueless as i asked him to quickly followed me to the...

Ramadhan & kita

Salam Jumaat. today, after work,i hv to go back home soonest, strut our bags and lets go back to Ipoh.yayyyyy!!!!it has been a long while i haven't visit my family in Ipoh. promise will visit u many time in future. How time flies...nextweek, insyaallah we will welcome a holy month of Ramadhan.this year, mashaallah, is totally a different hat, Allah almighty has grant my wish =) do u remember last year how was sad circumstances for me when i had to sahur alone.fret not!I have F this year to sahur with.Alhamdulilah. to all of you, Salam Ramadhan. semoga di panjangkan umur, dilimpahkan rezeki yang halal dan semoga sentiasa berada dalam rahmat-Nya. aminn. happy weekend!

aku rindukan kamu, sungguh!

Monday blues as usual. tho no blue today tapi kepala rase mcm weng2 dr awal pagi.its hurt. tetapi ape kan daya, layan jela blues ini.ok la sebab semlm adelah weekend..jadi mari kita review ape yang telah dan tak patot dilakukan: bercinta hoho..ini adelah patut kan.dah nama pun weekend. tetapi bercinta sambil lipat baju adalah tidak romantika.makanya telah mengheret diri ke dunia Minion.korang dah tgok Despicable me?mesti tonton.klaka sgt2 mak rase!! memasak ape itu masak?tak tahu.tak tahu.sebab aku telah bercuti dr bidang memasak sambil mencari idea baru.ala2 penulis skrip gitewwww kan.akan kembali memasak dengan resepi2 baruuuuuu.. bershopping harus/wajib.tiada istilah patut ke tak patut. kerjarumah wajib.*nangis* nampak tak makin pendek ayat2 aku?itu la namanya Monday blues makin berleluasa.i need help.i have no motivation today!!!i am helpless!!!i am not happy!!!i need new bagssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! happy Monday!!!