or its just a hype?or my mind teasing me? i am obviously not an ice-type, in which, everything must cold and chill right before it touch ur lips.i wasn't trained that way.i prefer a room temperature drink, but sometimes, cold drink are welcomed when the weather is bloody hot.or sometimes, out of nowhere, during rainy days, i prefer cold drinks.weirdo. after migraine catching me up, i try to find some fact about or any articles that helped.and the list came out... but one thing i noticed whats happening to me,ecspecially day time,after gulping the cold drink, my head will be in throbbing pain.for example, yesterday i was so hungry in the morning,so i just pour some cold milk and honey stars, right after half and hour, i feel headache. in some article found, it was stated migraine patient adviced no to consume cheese and chocolate during the ache period. in my case i dun have any pain before taking the milk. could i just sum up the cold drink is the culprit? Because the...
I began to fathom the unparalleled strength and stamina that it takes to be a mother