Happy Belated Birthday to meeeeee!!i was late in posting birthday entry, i know.but what can i do i was awayyyyyy doing this:
no no no.don't rub your eyes yet. i was performing my umrah for the first time and i don't have words to describe it.everything was so mesmerizing.could consider as brithday present also.alhamdulillah.
we went there altogether with Baby D.yeah sure there were bumpy but its alright as long as i have my loves one around.i am happy bunny.
so, friends keep on wonder how does it feel to perform umrah while holding your 10kilos baby and his whatnot.to be honest about that,i gained muscle from that, tired and take alooootttt of patient.i mean like triple alot.
if you asked me,would you bring your baby along my answer will be yes and no!!
yes simply becos i wanted to included all the family members into the trip.so that i wouldnt feel mising and longing (read : clingy mother here).i wanted him to experience something different.
no becos its halfway construction and it was a sea of people. your kids might got sick becos of it.baby being baby everywhere.they eat,pop,sleep, cry whenever they like.so again,be patient and be prepared.
so my share:
1) plan your day ahead.Like if you want to perform subuh prayer at the Mosque, make sure no night activity.put your baby into bed ontime.meaning the night before, either u missed your Isya' prayer at the mosque or you could take turn with hubs.
2) prepare all the baby needs and toy when you are going out.
3)bring along stroller and baby carrier. this help alot.
4) make sure you take care of urself as well becos there are included alotsa of walking.
see u in the next post!!
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