Finally i could blog but through my mobile phone..
So its time for not so little D milestone.
1. Currently is 9 month.weighted 10.2 kilos.height is 77cm.yes such big boy.
2. He has passed his reverse, crawling and sitting stage.he is now cruisingggg!!gulppp.
3. He is constantly teething.D has 6 tooth.
4. Eating well - all still mashed food.
5. Can copy whenever F or me making "clapping lips" hehe.
6. Hate to be alone.dislike strangers.
7. The cute part is,he will make an "ah?" Sound whenever he feel courious.we took it as asking hehe
8.i have this feeling that he is now experiencing growth spurt.he demands milk every 2 hour in the night.
9. He smiles and reaching for me whenever i pick him from daycare.
10. His babysitter said he could cope with peer now and could play n laugh together.
11. He took his first neb yesterday which was vvverryyy heartbroken to mummy daddy.
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