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Showing posts from August, 2013

Selamat Hari Raya

yes!!!!Eid Mubarak is coming less than 24 hrs.i am veryy veryyy much can't wait for tomorrow.dah pack baju. we will heading to Bangi , my parent in law house. all the family members will assemble there. i will move on Friday to see my parent. can't wait to see you guys.please2 save some ketupat and kuah kacang for me. for all of guys, i would like to apologize for my mistakes and wrong deeds. segala yang khilaf datang nye dari wisely.lets enjoy our raya. Selamat hari raya Maaf Zahir & Batin

over the vitamin

i had a very good nagging from my mother over vitamin issue. since i know i am pregnant, the private doctor subscribed me Folic acid, Obimin and b complex. the problem with me is i can't consume supplement enriched with vitamin B. i will feel bloating all day and finally have to throw out. i find out this happened few months back (before pregnant) when i added b complex to my routine. once i stopped everything went back to normal. thru my reading, for the first trimester, the needs is on folic acid. then only started with obimin and some other supplement. but mum and F keep on reminding me to pop those unfriendly pills too. to their pleasure, i did.and felt bloated all day. but according to BFF group at so called whatsapp, mostly are a mother now,they are group who could be exempt from those vitamins. Aby for example, couldn't gulp any vitamins. she throw up within a second. doctor suggested she could forget all those supplements. the things that bladder could took...

so random

Nampak nye ramadhan ini tidak membawa kite kepada acara penulisan secara mingguan yer.sama seperti tahun2 lepas. ramadhan yang sunyi haha. sebab penulis berasa tidak banyak yang perlu dikatakan.penulis sendiri pun tidak berada didalam keadaan yang stabil.hari2 perlu ke toilet untuk muntah ataupun perlu berehat setiap selang sejam dua.penulis tidak masak, hanya berehat, tidak boleh banyak berjalan.tidak juga menyediakan juadah hari raya.rase seperti kurang upaya.baju raya?belum siap jugak.tak tahu la ape nak jadi raya nieeee. tapi mengidam untuk membeli pump shoes nanti. makanan kegemaran juga seperti tiada.yang disukai hanyala manisan dan buah-buahan. penulis seperti tiada perasaan untuk makan. makan sebab terpaksa.  entry acara berbuka puasa menyusul. selamat berpuasa!!! lagi seminggu