i want to share with all of u on how i met F.
there was no plan no drama initially.way back to Uni year, during semester break, i always chilled out my high school bestie, Erna.and just simple as that she introduced me to F and we hook up forever.hehe.
yeah.thru mutual friends.our bestie.She studied architecture, with my F .3 of them become close friends (another one was a guy, who is Erna's husband now)
F first sms was ever forgotten.i was in moody and abit breakdown when my then bf dumped me over another girl and claimed he wasn't pleaded guilty.nevermind.i am not Adele.I won't find someone like you ;p
his sms,obviously i did not manage to keep, but i still remember it.and the sudden react i did, which is i never do if i dun know the number/s,i replied him.
i was working in Ipoh back then, and he was in Kl. so we have this long distance relationship which make me more dramatic than ever. i feel all the insecurity would brought.things get worse when both of us were getting busier.
being drama as i am, i always blamed F for not paying me much attention.being him was not easy either. he had to calm and comfort me all the time.yes i love him by doing that ;p
to keep the love story short, i score another job and move nearer to F in KL. it strengthen our love and he proposed me!!
we will get married in 2 months guys!!!whoaaa
we will get married in 2 months guys!!!whoaaa
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