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Showing posts from September, 2012

heart beats

why la daisypath moving so fast.dah nk dekat dah katun perempuan and laki tuuuuu!!omg!!!!are u using extra batery??gulp. Everytime i saw them on blog, i become sooooooo nerves.damn nerves.i dun even learn how to mingle with F families, how to cook, how to take the easiest road from new home to office, how not to go to mummy's home on long weekend, how to save partial money in 'us' acount..and the list go onnnnn. * panic* thing wont change drastically rite? better dun. overall, i am the same time trying to recall good times and dreaming of the better time (honeymoon for example hehe).i need new luggage, new handbag, new clothes , new sunglasses (i unpurposely lose it), new perfume...but no money!dang!!! i must be crazy now @_@

wedding - ditto

things to settle : 1- Honeymoon - confirmkan flight n bayar balance 2- Photographer - jumpe dorg and bayar balance jugak 3- hantaran F  4- kasut nikah/sanding 5- anak tudung/selendang 6- kemas rumah!!! 7- edarkan kad  ape lagi yer??

teaser & wonderful feeling

Salam hari ini hari isnin!!what a wonderful feeling inside. rase bersinar2.hehe. baju kahwin dah siap!alhamdulillah. first fitting dah ok. i must accept the fact, nothing is perfect but hey i could say it an inch to perfect =) i fall in love at first sight and after. take a peek * * * * * left - baju sanding , upper right - nikah , below - resepsi kat rumah F. Happy monday!


pernah tak rasa nak tukar kerjaya?hehe..kerjaya la sangat..ape bezanye kerja dengan kerjaya?adekah kerjaya bermaksud kerja yang berjaya?atapun berjaya mendapat kerja idaman? btw..i always wanted to have my own fashion house.hehe.typical little girls dream kan.i know.i want to be designer at heart.tegar gitu haha.sudah2 la pasang impian. sebenarnye,i paling teringin jadi doktor.tu impian i sejak kecik lagi.impian yang hanya boleh dimimpi.i rase keje doktor tersangat la cool man.i always said i cud remember all the medical name with the the purposes.BUT i dun think i cud cope with the hilarious working hour.sangat dramatik i jadi i sangat salute dengan para doktor. sebenarnye i takde point pun kat cini.hehe.i cume rase i dah bosan.i nak buat sesuatu yang i rasa passionate and flexi hour. tapi kan mcm mane nak maju kalau dalam pikiran boleh bangun lambat kalau keje sendiri -_________-" smpai bile2 tak maju dik nun. i nak buat bisnes yang bole...

oh boy!

salam i never tot in my life men facial is way easy peasy. if i found out this truth earlier, i dun have to run back and forth to find the perfect jacket for F. i can easily pick any facial thingy. i have learnt that there are only few steps in men daily facial.wash - tone - moisturiser.with added scrub once a same bottle they even state 3 in 1 - wash/tone/moist!!!!walllaweh..i can even get ready in less that 10 minutes boy!no wonder guys can considered done so fast.i know their secret - is no secret.just a simple pre-cleanse, no before serum, no primer, no mist. personally sat nearer the men's section, i notices there are only oily or dry skin. like women, we have very oily,oily, combination, dry, very dry and normal etc etc.their price ranges also bearable (for drugstore range).it does not burn ur purse blondies! there is one thing matter the most for me.i have checked for 2 products.something confusing the same purpose - for example ...

the wedding

talking about my wedding arrangement here is the snapshot: stage 1 dah lepas.malas nak tulis hehe. stage 2 1)Tempah mak andam - done 2)Tempah photographer- done 3)Tempah Dewan/Hotel - buat kat rumah 4)Tempah baju nikah - done 5)Mula beli barang-barang hantaran- half way 6)Tempah PA system/Kompang - belum 7)Tempah lokasi honeymun-done 8)Tempah katering - done stage 3 1)Tempah penginapan keluarga(jika luar daerah) - done 2)Kursus kahwin-done 3)Tempah Bunga Telur- belum 4)Tempah doorgift - bagi buah beli paperbag.done 5)Tempah baju family- belum stage 4 1)Ujian HIV-done 2)Beli cincin - done 3)Mula setelkan hal borang nikah- on the way 4)Tentukan pengapit anda - belum!!!! 5)Tempah kad-done stage 5 1)Follow up mak andam, photographer,dewan, katering - belum 2)Tentukan Senarai jemputan - belum last stage 1)Barang hantaran siap untuk digubah - belum 2)Kad jemputan di edar - belum 3)Jemput keluarga yang jauh & dekat - halfway 4)Pastikan borang nikah, ...

Kate Middleton

pretty killer smile lucky brilliant a princess money (heh) yes. she got EVERY GIRLS' dream. WELCOME TO MALAYSIA!!!! she is blooming more than the flowers 

kuat dan terus kuat!

salam aku banyak keje.hehe.ade korang kesah?tapi banyak perkara yang bermain-main di fikiran.lately banyak perkara yang aku tak boleh nak counsume.otak ni pun kdg2 degil kemain nak terima.apetah lagi hati.tapi kene kuatkan jugak diri sndiri.walaupun sebenarnya tak ckup kuat untuk jadi kuat. so mcm mane nak tambahkan sikap positif dalam diri?dengan membaca buku motivasi?dengan menonton rancangan Dr Fazilah Kamsah?atau pegi berjumpe kaunselor?aku pun tk tau mcm mane orang yang ade beban berat dari aku tapi masih boleh tersenyum dan mnjalani hari2 dengan penuh kesabaran. aku perlukan kekuatan yang tatau dari mana aku nak cari -_________-"

Morning errrkkk Monday?

Dear Monday (can i call u Mon?) i dunno why this happened.i woke up this morning with some dizzy feeling inside my head.i can't walk straight.i melayang ketepi masa nak bukak pintu.hoping that was my wild thinking of faking to be unwell. i really need to be fit for this 2 months! please Monday be nicer to me.i have to hold my head now.

initial - F meet E summary

i want to share with all of u on how i met F. there was no plan no drama initially.way back to Uni year, during semester break, i always chilled out my high school bestie, Erna.and just simple as that she introduced me to F and we hook up forever.hehe. yeah.thru mutual friends.our bestie.She studied architecture, with my F .3 of them become close friends (another one was a guy, who is Erna's husband now) F first sms was ever forgotten.i was in moody and abit breakdown when my then bf dumped me over another girl and claimed he wasn't pleaded guilty.nevermind.i am not Adele.I won't find someone like you ;p his sms,obviously i did not manage to keep, but i still remember it.and the sudden react i did, which is i never do if i dun know the number/s,i replied him. i was working in Ipoh back then, and he was in Kl. so we have this long distance relationship which make me more dramatic than ever. i feel all the insecurity would brought.things get worse when bot...


its VERY hard to keep the positivity in me lately.MANY things come and keep coming. cabaran nak kahwin memang macam ni yer? but looking from the bigger pictures, my wedding preparation, i could say, alhamdulilah.almost every arrangement has been made. but all the things besides wedding, doesnt fall into places. Dear Allah, if u hear me please grant my wish.please help me goes through this path.make me me the light. i believe in ur wisdom.