why la daisypath moving so fast.dah nk dekat dah katun perempuan and laki tuuuuu!!omg!!!!are u using extra batery??gulp. Everytime i saw them on blog, i become sooooooo nerves.damn nerves.i dun even learn how to mingle with F families, how to cook, how to take the easiest road from new home to office, how not to go to mummy's home on long weekend, how to save partial money in 'us' acount..and the list go onnnnn. * panic* thing wont change drastically rite? better dun. overall, i am neves.in the same time trying to recall good times and dreaming of the better time (honeymoon for example hehe).i need new luggage, new handbag, new clothes , new sunglasses (i unpurposely lose it), new perfume...but no money!dang!!! i must be crazy now @_@
I began to fathom the unparalleled strength and stamina that it takes to be a mother