i feel like dreaming now - that i am planning my honey mooon..yahooooo..yang kelakarnye semua main thing tak settle lagi.dah pkir bagai nak pegi honeymoon.
i guess i love Jakarta & Bandung the most. but this this time i think, after so much tiring and money tree almost die in action, i have to make peace with my soul plus abit of shop.it was wayyyy long time ago that i spend myself with vacation. tu pun pegi dengan famili.
kali ni akan pergi, insyaallah dengan F merangkap husband (masa honeymoon nnti).pelik pulak sebut husband sebab selama-lama ni asik sebut bf/tunang. and masa isi borang ke ape ke letak title Miss.or bile meeting mesti panggil saya Miss.it will change very soon.november soon ke?for me YES!i think i might be pulling my hair later on when discussing to confirm few arrangement. as F said, i am easily confused with numbers of option, so make sure the boutique/catering/related things send me out only few options.
btw, i still can't believe this is hapenning now. normally tengok orang je pening buat preparation.now its on ME.its not that i hate, but something are limited ecspecially in monetary department.sebab tu la tak boleh terlalu ikot cakap orang.memang mati.ikot bajet.thats VITAL.tapi kadang2 aku pun falsie jugak.hehehe.
preps utk July:
1) tempah baju nikah/sanding
2) tempah baju raya -_____-"
3) confirm kan catering/khemah
4)confirm kan pelamin/makeup
5) discuss goodie bags
6) confirm kan kad kawen
7) cari baju tema utk famili
8) kurangkan shopping online -___-"
book photographer
macam ade yang kurang je.takpe.i'll be thinking and updating sebanyak mungkin to remind myself.
happy weekend!
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