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pinky sweetie Soap and Glory

RM 39 for 115ml (i can't remember the exact price.forgive me hehe)

i always change scrub..i dunno.i have this mentally unsatisfied with all the scrubs that i've tried.pricey and also the cheapos. the latest one is Multiactive Scrub by Garnier.i have it for a month and i did not see alot of changes on face. maybe i could use it for body later. another one was Clarin. some red little little acne.

after scouting around, only rite after i make up my mind to breakup with Garnier, i went to Sephora KLCC.but the review said Sephora Starhill is more happening.izzit??i never go there btw.i like the fact that sephora bring to our shore some new newbies.its time to get my hand on babe.

for me, i love to tried the in house brand - Sephora itself.last few month i bought make remover but only started to use it few weeks i think i dun need remover. enough with liquid gel cleansing.but as i went travelling sometimes, i opt for triple cleansing water from Sephora. its easy to need to wash and after second swipe, i feel my makeup bygone.the cons is it quite expensive.

another eye-catching baby is pinky Soap & Glory. they even looked very promising.pinky promise!!hehe.So i agreed to test for their Scrub-Your-Nose-In-it.let say hi to the new family members. its very distracting you know.because when pinky is in the middle of whitish-friends,it standout the most. everytime i want to pick up my current facial gel, my eyes and my brain can't behave. and then my heart will say 'you can't use scrub everyday'.so pink is a better option to advertise your products haha..

but mind you, for the first time i try it, it smell like a colgate.which is like you use colgate on your entire face. just dot a pea size, start scrub on your t-zone and chin. after a while u could spread the scrub the other part of ur face.leave it a while and rinse well.

after almost 3 weeks of using, i noticed few black and white head soften and pop u can squeeze it pain.the product claimed to be pore refiner, i dunno about it yet becos,you know, only observer could tell either ur pore large or medium size.hehe.normal people just mentioned you-look-nice thing.hehe.

see u in the next post =)


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