i scored another exam under SPA.again.i want to highlight that i am not a very dedicated person when comes under exam since my last final exam in uni. plus i can easily frust.i was frust during my last time PTD exam.very.much.sad. i put my effort and du'a alot.but still the red line appeared when i checked on the website. maybe i should give moooooooreeeeeeeee effort this time? seriously, i dun know what to read.during Uni exam, it was pretty hard even when we already knew the scope covered.it will be damn hard when you dun even know the things that will be as an question.left alone answers.now i sound like giving up before try, am i? ********* today office look very lovely. everyone is in purple or pink hue.so cute.we have potluck.since most of the staff are from Nogori Sembilan,can u guest what my stomach feel now? omaigod..i drink cuppas of green tea.itu pun tak hilang pedih haku.i eat while crying. sodap tu memang sodap tapi den tahan podehhhhh..sobssss.. ****...