27 years go, i was born healthy and happy.i was (and still ;p) the bundle of joy to mummy and daddy as i am a wanted baby girl after they have 2 boys.my daddy always said "dulu-dulu eniz kecik jer" whenever i discus with him about my wedding.
-__- i am ur baby girl always rite?
now 27 years after, i am still a kiddy.acted childishly.but most of the time i keep trying, keeping lossing until i win.that is life after all.
Dear Allah..thanks alot for make this little creature breathe in this challenging life, for gimme strenght and pull me up whenever i am loss and vain,for calming my tears and fears, for the rezeki and umur yang dipanjangkan, for the lovely people around me as well as enemies, for the lovely heart that u lend to me..i keep on improving myself to be a better person and muslimah..insyaallah.
dear my parent..thanks for get married and got me.hehe.kudos for raise me up and lead me to a better man.tho sometimes i alwasy cringing and whine about my job and other things,please be grateful because i am growing matured because of you guys.you have make me who i am today.
dear my siblings..i alwasy misssss all of you.we are so busy growing up that sometime we forgot we have each other.i reallllyyy love you guysssss!!!
dear Fahmi..thanks for finding me, love me, care for me,tease me,advice me and so much more that you've done (and many more in coming hehe).you always be my sunshine.
to darlings friendssss...OMGucci how cud i describe all of you.u mean alot to me.u bring the meaning of joyful and as much as painful that we'd learnt.we are falling apart (read as wedding) but sure we will meet again and look back and smile gracefully..
to dear bloggers and readers...thank you for coming here quite often.i really wanna share sumthing that bring you positive vibe, but as human, i fell slip few times and address my anger and negative attitude.my weakness.but above all please take it positively.

to me: happy 27th birthday.make your wish come true =)
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