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muke merah

susah la jadi perempuan ni tambah-tambah bile ade banyak event macam jamuan atau rumah terbuke-kene pakai make up.bukan la kene tapi macam rasa diri tak cantik so tak confident bile duduk sebelah orang jelita.walaupon makeup ke tak sama je (-__-)"

jadi sebab rasa banyak sangat hadiri rumah terbuke nak padankan dengan baju cantik perasan walalupon tak cantik,banyak pakai make up, muke saya yang sensitif ni dah jadi merah and ade breakout skit.benci ok.sikit pon tak tak boleh cakap camtu nanti si kecil merah tumbuh byk.tamau T_T

pencuci muke pulak dah macam tak berkesan sangat bile hal merah ni dtg.*sigh.
so semalam saya sapu minyak zaiton extra virgin memang nampak kurangnye.dah tade merah sangat tapi ade jerawat juge.tetapi masih boleh tolerant kalau nak pakai make up jugak.

saya goggle and jumpe ini =)

Olive oil promotes improvement of digestive system, improving work of a stomach, an intestines and a liver. It is recommended to eat regularly to meal some olives or more often to indulge itself salads (vegetable and fruit), filled with olive oil.

cup of olive oil

Olive oil interferes with premature withering of a skin thanks to the maintenance of vitamin E and antioxidants.Olive oil promotes to normalize of blood pressure.Olive oil promotes healing of wounds, ulcers, wounds. Olive oil – an excellent tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. Olive oil has cholagogue action. Regular consumption of olive oil reduces several times risk of disease by a cancer of a mammary gland at women.

and read this

The fat composition of olive oil is very similar to the fat composition of human skin, so it is absorbed quickly and helps the skin moisture content. Particularly good for dry skin, even those with oily skin can use it in moderation to balance excess sebum production. Very few people have an allergy to topically applied olive oil.

 The antioxidants work with the skin like they do in the body, protecting the skin from free radicals in the environment.

Extra virgin olive oil contains the highest proportion of antioxidants, and you should buy the best quality for olive oil skin care.

There are some lovely and luxurious olive oil skin care products on the market today, thanks to the trend toward natural skin care.

so lepas ni boleh sapu lagi dan bole pakai make up lagi!!eheh.
jom pegi open house lagiiii


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