i want to sream out loud.the time is here again.like any other month,i pretend this is normal.but to stuck inside the room added the pain.i must talk a walk, it would make my lower abdomen better or at least feel way better than now..but the unease inside my belly ,walking is a no-no.
hence i am talking a glass of milk now.hoping every nerves in my body will sleep and so do i.veeryyyy bad theory indeed but calcium do help in good flows of period rite?or sumthing alike.i felt like read it before but hardly recall.and too lazy to google (-_-)"
as i cud remember, taking EPO is one of the way to reduce ur stomach cramp.do u know EPO's origin is from the flower which is bloom in the evening.and so the name!!*excited.EPO in the same time cud benefited ur darling skin as it contained vitamin E (correct me if i am wrong).normaly they come in capsule and can take twice daily.however, for muslim,extra careful in picking up the capsule becos some of them were made from animals.but be relief, the capsule aslo available in veggie cap.make sure u do read the label.
another thing my mom would suggest during the painful time is apply the ginger lotion.ala losyen halia yang selalu ade iklan kat tv untuk tummy trimmmmmmmm.hehe.thats it!apply to ur stomach and sleeeepppp.
now i feel like taking my bath and sleep
happy period dear
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