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Showing posts from October, 2013

Fish Bol

u wanna know what is the best next to fried fish cicah with sambal belacan???it must be homemade fish ball. it is easy and scrumptious of cos!!hahaha. bahan2: ikan (ikot banyak mane nak) - i used half of the red snapper 3 biji kentang bawang besar/merah  daun sup garam kunyit tepung telur minyak untuk menggoreng 1) rebus ikan 2) dalam periuk berasingan rebus kentang sampai empuk 3) dah suam2 lenyek kentang dan cabut isi ikan.campurkan sekali. 4) potong bawang dan goreng. 5) kalau nak hasil yang lebih halus dan perisa bawang kuat, blender ikan+kentang+bawang goreng+garam. kalau taknak, guna tangan sahaja utk gaul. (tk nak atau malas hehe) 6) campurkan sedikit kunyit dan daun sup. 7) buatkan bulat2.salut telur dan tepung. siap untuk digoreng. boleh hidangkan. taraaaa mudah dan sedap.

mummyhood : a little love from heaven

Alhamdulillah.mummy enjoy this last day of the working week with BIG FAT relieved. i am over joy as the blood reading is now 11.6.wehuuuuuu * dancing around the room * mummy singing all the way long to the car after seeing the doctor. she said im doing good but have to maintain it.yes yes i will.insyaallah.Thank you subhanallah.nothing beats this feeling. in the not so happy mode : my weight count now is 54.2. i am not that fat -___-" it just my growing belly and everything inside to protect the baby contribute to the hurt me by saying im fat whenever i pass hurt (becos deep inside i knew i am hahaha)  but old man said, pregnant lady is beautiful (regardless of dramas inside the changing room). tomorrow mummy will have to attend the breastfeeding class. what??class??after so many yrs back.its not that funny.furthermore at 8 am.i burnt my sleeppppp. ok have to finish half of the laundry tonite!! (please forget your dream to buy ne...

sedih dan keciwa

pagi-pagi lagi ofis (dan kita smua) digemparkan dengan pembunuhan Pegawai Ambank cawangan USJ Subang Jaya.terkejut, sedih, keciwa dan marah pada masa yang sama. marah.semua blog2 telah menyiarkan gambar kematian mangsa menimbulkan lagi kemarahan saya. kenapa ade pihak tak bertanggungjawap yang menyebarkan gambar penuh tragis itu. kita perlu menghormati orang lain.menyebarkan gambar tragis itu adalah melampau dan tidak bermoral. dimanakah akal kita?dimanakah letaknya pertimbangan kita dalam memuat naik gambar atau sebarang info?fikirkanlah perasaan ahli keluarga mereka.bagaimana kalau kita berada di tempat mereka.saya rasa sangat keciwa dengan sikap dan mentaliti "perkongsian" yang kita tidak faham. kita terlalu taksub dengan media sosial. kita leka kita telah mengguris hati banyak pihak. hati yang mana belum cukup kuat untuk menerima kehilangan apetah lagi dengan cara tiba-tiba dan terlampau.kita semua terlalu ego utk "menyimpan". hati saya menangis...

A quicky : week 20

Wehuuu I hv seen baby inside.yes we had scan in session earlier today. Doctor said everything is normal.last time we scanned baby was too small,but today baby's weight is 300gram (so where is 3kilos coming from??) Baby is very active.bergerak tak henti2.mummy was very touch seeing u.remind me of my sin of skipping the supplements.gosh.mummy promise to take them in consistency method.gv me time hehe. Mummy cried after seeing the doctor.i dunno why.being extra emotional today. Semoga Allah melindungimu sayang.

Nutella brownie

It is 5.30 am.i am barely sleep.maybe bcos of the pill,i dun know.normally,nothing could take on tolls. Since today is hari memasak, lets cook most decent and easy sweetooth recipe. Ingredients 1 cup of nutella 10 tbsp of all purpose flour 2 eggs Dump everything in a bowl. Beat them with hand get a crusty brownie, you could beat the batter longer. I added 1 teaspoon of baking powder *optional Line ur tray.pour them inside. Bake for 20-30 min in 180 degree. For topping,i whipped off cadbury chocolate and ground almond. It's better to use dark or less sweet chocolate for topping to balance the sweetness. Oh god so good if i hv them now!!

Just for the record : Mummy Mode Is On

i am half insane & emotionally breakdown when talking to F about what the doctor's said/adviced during my monthly check up.being a newbie in gestation, added the pressure. my blood cell reading is below 11. previously i was steadily pulling it proud in front of midwife that im doing good (with reading 11.3 and above). latest reading is 10.5 which is considered lower. i am wobbled by the bladder can't digest it. my current weight also under watch. they were steadily increasing 400g for the past few months, but hey they act tremendously now!!!gaining 3.4 kilos (when the fact is i dun know which part is growing) * cries* but i cannot cry.can't giving up. but will log a lots of complains to F hahaha baby have to trust Mummy ok? mummy will do whatever it takes to ensure u r healthy, brilliant and pretty inside out. but when u r growing up make sure u listen to mummy ok. Mummy loves you sooo much 

Anak bijak dan sehat

or sehat datang dulu?kemudian baru boleh jadi bijak? tapi ade kawan saya yang kene tumor masa UPSR.lepas operation ambil exam siap dapat masuk MRSM lg. lepas tu siap blaja kat Oxford lagi.kelas kau mariah.sekarang bekerja di syarikat yang paling famous and besar u all.siap amik professional exam lagi. bukan la tumor isu nya T_T isu nya bagaimana mahu mendidik anak menjadi sehat dan bijak.mcm senang tapi sebenarnya bermula dari sebelum lahir lagi. saya tertarik dengan artikel bagaimana kaum Yahudi membentuk anak mereka dr dalam perut lagi.salah satu darinya adalah menyelesaikan masalah matematik . wah!! perlu ke beli buku add math?menangis aku siang malam buat soklan add math.haha.dulu2 pun dah panic attack nak exam SPM. atau adakah cukup dengan masalah kira-kira yang aku buat di ofis setiap hari (dan jugak merancang kewangan sendiri yang tak pernah diikuti?) atau adakah ckup dengan mengawal diri dengan tidak menjadi boros dan mengurus kewangan dengan bijak ...

Dessert mood

i am a dessert person. always adore beautiful dessert and since im expecting, i love to eat it even im thinking about dessert before main meal ^_^ and past weekend i tried my hands on pancake base dessert.its really lovely to look at those beautiful pictures from blog recipe.cream on top of the fruits and cherry, mapple syrup served sinfully, ice cream with strawberry..oh god hungry by imagining it.need ones!!! mine?i punye tak jadi cantek.i was so dismayed -___-" but being e dessert person, i WONT GIVE UP teheeee right now im thinking of baking japanesesoft cheesecake.just sooooo itchy.i read 1000 of recipes, tip and tricks and i feel like - yes i could successfully does it.please pray for me. another one is, i found simplest chocolate brownies with less than 5 ingredients.hehe.i will share once im done with it. happy weekend guys!!!!!

Baby miss Daddy

F has been super duper busy for the past few days. he got thesis, he got mounting workload, and thats killing me. dear wifey super miss him la. but becos it were weekdays, i could consoled my heart. being tired and pregnant, put me on sound sleep tho F were doing OT. last night i was half awake when F came back. he was trying to kiss me good nite and tuck me in duvet.i realized that with heavy eyes.  out of sudden, our Baby moves!!!!!!i could felt it moving upward.I guessed Baby was missing daddddyyyy alooooooottttttt.Baby was saying "Daddy im missing you.could you play with me becos mummy is so tired and sleepy and she was so drastic to make me sleep at 10." Mummy read those book baby. baby must sleep atleast 16 hours a im thinking, will our kid complain everything to Daddy about mummy? *sigh*